Are you looking for positive parenting tips? your search ends here. My son is 7 years old. I have shared my experience here.
A child is an apple of a parent’s eyes. We all love our kids to infinity. A bond that is so pure and beautiful. We all want our kids to become successful and lead happy life. Every one of us has different ways of raising a kid. Some are strict and some are like friends but in the end, we all want our kids to excel in their lives and lead a good life.
We choose the best schools, the best institutes, and the best of everything. We never want them to go through difficult times which is why we try to take the charge of their lives. At times we are friends at times their coach. We need to always lead them through different phases of life. Lots of people worry about how to raise their kids in the best way, especially new parents. Here we tried to list the top 10 tips for positive parenting in 2021 in India.

Table of Contents
Focus on the right education for our kids
We all know education should be good in school and college. Educating the child should not be limited to the classroom. We must teach them what is right and wrong? What is the right thing to do? How to make informed decisions?
Teach them out of school learning
All the knowledge they are not able to learn in school we should give them at home. What kind of company should they choose in life? Difference between good touch and bad touch. This should be taught in the beginning so that they should not go through bad experiences in life and they won’t if we inform them at the right time. We cannot protect them everywhere but we can make them learn how to protect themselves.
Right time right things
We need to shape their character well when they are young because it’s the best age when they can learn things fast. One thing is important out of the lot. You should never educate them to just score good marks but you should teach them how to learn well? They can learn well by gaining knowledge, clearing concepts, and using their knowledge for better use.
Hobbies are important too
Hobbies are important. One should take some time off daily chores and do something else that can clear their mind and enhance their focus. to refresh the mind, taking a break from monotony.
To do thing for a girl
Teach them to be independent especially if it’s a girl, please teach her to become independent. Teaching her about marriage, going to a different house, and spending all her life in the kitchen is not a good idea. Teach her that you are the one who should be taking care of yourself. Land on your own feet. Marriage is good and you can get married but being independent is a necessity.
Importance of Good Manners
Yes, we should teach them how to respect their elders, their friends, and their classmates, animals, and all the professions irrespective of big or small.
What boys should be taught specifically
If it’s a boy, please teach him to respect women. If we don’t teach him regularly, it can create a mess in his life when he grows up and disrespects his wife. As parents, we need to make sure our sons understand that the girls they marry are human beings too and they deserve respect more than anything else in the world in front of the whole world.
Respecting yourself is important
Now what else we should teach them is how to respect themselves. A person who doesn’t respect his or her values, that person can’t respect others. Respecting yourself is very important. It should not be confused with ego. Ego is not good for us. They should be able to respect themselves.
Good behaviour
Good behavior is very important not just in front of others but when nobody is watching. That’s the only way to be a good human being. We see often how kids try to dominate their parents by behaving badly and embarrassing them in public. Especially when parents say no to something. It can be avoided if we teach them that we can’t have everything in the world. Things are supposed to be earned.
Not making a brat
Giving everything, every time is only going to make them weak for the future. When they won’t be able to get something in life. It can create immense pressure and disappointment in them which can lead to depression so prepare them for those things too.
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Give them the confidence to share
Your kid should never be afraid of you. Strictness is important but at the same time your child should be confident enough to tell you anything, and you should be helping them instead of getting judgmental.
Listen to them
You don’t have to support their wrong actions but you should place confidence in them and be able to express themselves in front of you. They could be getting bullied in school or something is disturbing them. We should regularly check on them. It’s going to make them feel happy and secure. In such situations be their friends first and parents later.
Discipline and Value of Money
Loving kids is one thing but to raise them well is another. We need other things too for their benefit. Love should be in the right amount otherwise it can spoil them. It’s a fact, spoiled kids reach nowhere in life.
Rules are a part of discipline
Everything is too difficult for them and their upbringing is always questioned. We should make certain rules at home, and before following them sit and discuss with your kids to explain the need for having them in life.
How to begin?
To start with, limiting the use of the internet and television. Small steps. It will help to maintain a balance between having fun and being loyal towards their duty and from time to time you must explain the importance of discipline in their life and why they should follow it throughout. How discipline can help them achieve their goals short and long-term both. This way it will be easy for them to adapt.
It’s crucial to teach your kids the value of money. Teaching them how is it earned? it’s not an easy thing to do. You should show them how hard you work. it’s important to save a certain amount for your future not all of it can be spent. That’s not just good math.
Teach them hard work
Don’t provide them everything so easily, take time and need to account. They lose the value of everything because they are getting so much of it too easily. First, it is going to look like you are spoiling them for not being able to spend more time, also it can kill their zeal to do something on their own. When there is no ambition in life, how will they struggle to make things happen and reach somewhere? Being passionate is what you should inculcate in them.
Winning and losing is equally important
Let’s say, you always taught your children to excel in everything. Studies, sports, debates, and music basically to be an all-rounder.
And one fine day somebody gets ahead of them and they could not win it. What to do then? They might lose their confidence and peace over it because they never tasted it before, and they don’t know how to deal with it as winning is expected from them every time. It can crush their self-esteem.
This is why you must teach no one can win every time. At some point, someone better will come and you have to accept the defeat so give it your all but not always just to win.
Healthy practices
Healthy practices make kids healthy and happier. Confidence is always boosted when parents acknowledge the child’s hard work and encourage them to work harder. Teach them never to give up in life even if you fall, how to get back up on your feet.
Understand your child’s Interest
Parents these days try to keep the child involved in a lot of things. Like art, dance, music, sports, and so on. How can these multiple things help the child? It obviously divides the focus. It is not that great an idea. Do you need to observe closely what makes them happy?
Notice them closely
You are the best judge. You live with them all day. You can easily get an idea for example some kids like toys that fly, if you nurture it, their career can be in that field. Some are interested in structures and so on. We have to pick up the clues and encourage them. Not everyone can become an engineer. We can help them choose the best and they can excel in that area. Not always forcing them into things you like can be fruitful.
Communication is Key
We can’t read anybody’s mind. We can’t. That’s why we are lucky enough to make others understand what we are thinking, how we feel, what we want, and what we don’t want? If we stop communicating, how can anyone understand anything? This will lead to confusion and problems. Please make your kids understand this. The way that you can try are as follows –
Talk it out
Communicate as much as you can with them. Make a comfort level with them so that they don’t find it awkward to communicate things out loud. If we don’t make them do this, they will find it difficult to be able to communicate and express. You don’t want that as it’s unhealthy for them and anybody who is around.
Expressing is good for them
If one can’t share anything it can trouble them. It can also be a step of getting into depression. Talking, expressing yourself should become a habit. Indulge them into talking about their day at school and in coaching or anything. This habit will be a good start. Let them express it. Give them time.
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Teach them Acceptance
Right from the days of preschool, they should be taught how to embrace their true self. Teaching them self-love is very important. if they can’t do that then how can they love others? If they can’t make themselves happy how can they make others happy? How can we make them learn? Read the sub-points.
Comparing can cause issues
One thing that you should keep in mind is not to compare your child with others. We usually do it with some neighbor’s kid or our relatives’ kid. Taunting them like (you know your friend has scored 99 percent but you can’t do anything). This ruins their confidence and it makes them jealous of others. This behavior can cause issues that might grow with time. That’s why you need to stop it right away before making it big.
Facing problems is good.
Be the best version of yourself and rock it is what we hear from people and read it but never follow it. It just means you need not change seeing others, you should like yourself enough to not change. Rather you can improve your habits every day to become the best version of yourself. To be away from anything is an act of a coward, we should teach them not to be a coward because no one can run away from problems for a long time. So just face it and deal with it.
Importance of being ethical
Now when we say being ethical what do we think? The Good morals? Yes,
Having compassion, honesty, good values, and being responsible towards yourself and people around you. Being truthful towards your duty and your job is extremely important and peaceful. Any wrong deed may give benefit for a shorter duration but in the long run, it’s going to affect you in a bad way and it will destroy you mentally. It is necessary to teach your kids for their own good.
Having compassion
Compassion connects us to live in a very beautiful way and allows us to forgive the fallings in ourselves and others. We should make our kids learn to have gratitude. Second important thing is to be kind. Kindness lets you be a bigger person in life, a better human being.
Being honest
Honesty is again a quality to keep for life. Your mind and heart are at peace with these qualities. Best decisions are made when you are relaxed, peaceful, and kind. Immoral acts lead to a very stressful life and unwanted struggles. It can keep a person agitated, stressed, and harsh. As parents, you should make them aware of this.
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Never make your kids life way too easy
As parents we always want our kids to choose a path that we have already walked on, the one that is tried and tested. The one that has no thorns and they can be safe and sound.
The path is going to be the same is just a mere misconception. The path you have walked on was different then. Your challenges and your situation had been different. Obstacles change the situation, everything now is different. Here’s how you can try it out.
Choosing right
It’s very important that you let them choose their path. Your experience can help them to fight their battles and taking decisions for them is only taking their strength and power away. What is your job? Your job is to make them strong for the challenges they face in life, not to give up easily in life.
Learning value of things
When they struggle for something that thing has its value. Providing everything every time can wreck their growth. Whenever we are in a problem, we think, we plan, we calculate and then we make a move. That’s what you have to teach them, don’t hide your life problems from your kids, let them know. Let them help you. This will teach them how to be brave in life. If you keep them away from problems, how will they solve it for themselves? Till when you can solve their issues in life? You can’t control anything. This is why you have to make them ready.
Sometimes your kids win, sometimes they lose. Sometimes they make mistakes but you need to make them learn in life that you need to be confident and strong.
Things happen but what is more important is how to deal with them? Face the world with your chin up. If you fall you must know how to get back up. You should not be arrogant, if you made a mistake, correct it. Our actions define our characters not clothes, fashion, or style.
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